Welcome to The Parish of Wickham Bishops With Little Braxted
The church community here in Wickham Bishops with Little Braxted offer you our warm and heartfelt welcome to our churches of St Bartholomew’s and St Nicholas’.
Find out more about this year's event which will be one you do not want to miss ! Taking place on Sunday 8th June 11am-5pm. Early Bird tickets now available online
We are committed to Safeguarding children and young people and vulnerable adults. The PCC has adopted the Church of England’s policies and best practice on safeguarding which may be found on the Church of England’s website. Details of our Parish Safeguarding Officer are Norma Hayward.
At St Bartholomew’s Church on Saturday 22nd March from 10.30am to 12 Noon. Come and enjoy a coffee and Hot Cross Bun. Also Craft, Plants, Cake Stall, Cards and Raffle. In aid of Church Funds.
Guardians of the Village Churches
With the increasing cost of repairing and maintaining our historic churches, The Guardians of the Village Churches has been established to address the challenge of ensuring that the beautiful buildings of St. Bartholomew's Wickham Bishops and St Nicholas' Little Braxted.