A wedding is one of life’s great moments, a time of solemn commitment as well as good wishes and celebration.

In the marriage service we ask God to bless husband and wife as they witness, in front of their families and friends, their love for each other.

On their wedding day the bride and bridegroom face each other, make their promises and gives rings which symbolize their union.

Sadly, some relationships break down. In this parish we believe God understands that sometimes we make mistakes. In this parish we believe people should have the chance to make a new start and so we are prepared to marry people who are divorced.

If you would like to discuss the possibility of marriage the please contact us. 
It is a very difficult and sad time when someone we love or have known for many years dies.  Every life is precious to God and Christians have always believed that there is life beyond death.

A funeral service is an important time. It helps us to acknowledge our loss and our sorrow, and to say farewell to the person who has died.  During a funeral service we have time to remember but also to remind ourselves of the promise of resurrection.

If you have recently lost someone close or would like to talk about a funeral service please contact us.
The birth of a child is a cause for celebration. The Baptism service provides an opportunity for parent family and friends to give thanks for the birth of a child and to ask God to be part of that child’s journey through life.

Baptism is also an acknowledgement of the presence of God for both adults and children.

The three symbols used at baptism are: oil (a sign of belonging), water (a sign of new life) and a candle (a sign of Jesus, the light of the world).  In baptism a person is welcomed into the church.

If you would like to discuss baptism for yourself or your child then please contact us.
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