Celebrating the 900th Anniversary of the founding of St Nicholas

The wonderfully decorated hidden gem in the heart of the Essex countryside celebrates 900 years from its founding in or about the year 1120. I guess we can’t be absolutely sure about the founding date – so it probably should be 900 + or -.   Celebrations sadly came to an abrupt halt last March with the National Lockdown caused by the Covid-19 Virus. Nevertheless we continue to hope that celebrations will continue as and when possible.

Some Success

Just a couple of the planned events took place:

In January 2020 first Holy Communion Service of the year took place with Archdeacon Ruth presiding.
The Patronal Festival on the 6th December took place with Rev Hilary but with socially distanced rules and restricted numbers.

We are fortunate that these two events have been recorded on film and will eventually go towards a full record of all special services, activities and events for posterity.


The Musical Meal Deal which was due to take place last March is still planned to take place probably in March 2021 and tickets sold will remain valid. Ticket holders will be contacted as soon as we are absolutely sure we can proceed.

In Hope

We hope to be able to set future dates for the following events which were planned for 2020….

The Choral Evensong
The Open Day coinciding with ‘Ride and Stride’
The talk on the work of Revd Ernest Geldart by Dr James Bettley JP DL FSA*
Celebration Eucharist with the Bishop of Chelmsford [the Bishop’s Office has been contacted now we have a Bishop Elect].
Songs of Praise under the auspices of Beacon Hill Churched Together (BHCT).
An exhibition and blessing of Home Nativity/Crib sets culminating with the Patronal Eucharist on St Nicholas’ Day [Probably 4th and 5th December.
The Annual weekday early evening Carol Service for local business community and others.
The final event for the celebration year(s) should be the wonderful candle-lit midnight mass on Christmas Eve.

Your prayers of hope for the protection of all so that we may start putting dates in the diary again will  be much appreciated.

Some Good News

As mentioned above the film archive is gradually building towards an exciting record of the celebrations. However there is also a stand-alone film now available to see on-line. Called ‘A most Beautiful House’ this short film gives us a taste for the upcoming *Talk by Dr James Bettley. Film-maker Paul Desmond and Dr James met socially distanced last year and you can view the film at https://vimeo.com/473839906

You will find the link below to an interview with the author Peter Parker (British biographer, historian, journalist and editor) about his delight in the Church of St Nicholas’ Little Braxted. The excerpt about the church occurs 20 minutes into the interview. We are sure you will enjoy listening - just click on the link and you will have the option to play the interview



The History

St Nicholas is a small church with a rounded east end called an Apse built on a small mound at the bend of a narrow lane just south of the mill on the river Blackwater.  It  really is a wonderfully decorated hidden gem in the heart of the Essex countryside with an interior that belies the exterior. Its fame lies in the work of the Rev. Ernest Geldart, Rector from 1883—1900. Geldart was one of the most important church artists of the 19th century. He trained as an architect and took the opportunity to create a house of God which to  his mind should be the most beautiful house in the village. There is no space on the inside walls that has not been decorated with designs and murals—there are statues gilded and stained glass in abundance, a low level rood screen. It is a treasure to behold. Geldart also extended the church with a north aisle and vestry. The porch is of wood and stone built in the Tudor period.

As can be seen in the visitors book the fame of the church brings visitors from all over the country and even from as far afield as the   USA,  New Zealand and Australia.

The church lies south of the A12 on the east side of the river Blackwater about a mile east of Witham, in Little Braxted Lane, CM8 3EU.  It is normally open everyday but if closed there is a note that tells where the key can be borrowed.  For information about group visits for clubs and societies, please email stnicholas@churchinwickhambishops.org.uk 

Visitors should be aware that there are no facilities at the church. However there are  tea / coffee and lunch stops and local hostelries nearby.
Copyright © St Bartholomew's and St Nicholas 2024. Registered Charity 1159874. All rights reserved.